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Welcome Home.

Our Philosophy

Dear Body, I Love You.

Holistic Personal Training means we acknowledge that the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical  pillars of well-being must work in harmony and each require assessment and nurturing in order to function optimally.


 If we only address the physical body we fail to recognize how connected some of our issues may be, weight loss especially. If weight loss happens to be your goal and you have made attempt after attempt without any success, it's time to dig a little deeper. We can do this in a

way that still honours your body and lifestyle. 


"Food is the most widely abused drug in the world, & exercise is the most underutilized antidepressant."

Bill Phillips


Personal Training

Weight Loss

Feel Good, Look Good

A combination of weight training, aerobic exercise, circuits, high intensity intervals, and a healthy balanced diet are the key ingredients to shedding the uninvited weight. We work together to come up with a strategic program that best suits your goals.

Muscle Building

Strength & Stamina

Muscle strengthening is extremely important for maintaining good overall health. Strong muscles help prevent injury, alleviate ongoing pain, protect our bones and ligaments, improve posture, and so much more. Strength training makes things like picking up our kids, shovelling the driveway, and lifting heavy boxes a whole lot safer and a whole lot easier!

Endurance Training

Improve your Cardiovascular Health

Our heart is a muscle too! Lean muscle mass, improved metabolism, better state of mind, healthier sleeping patterns, more energy, and daily tasks feeling easier than ever are just a few of the benefits of endurance training.


A Healthier You

Flexibility matters. Did you know that tight hamstrings and back muscles have been shown to be a major factor in low back pain? Besides relieving muscle tension and soreness, staying flexible means improving our range of motion, preventing injury, better balance, and more! Just remember, muscles that are flexible are stronger and more resistant to break down.

Mindful Nutrition

"Food is Thy Medicine"

 There is no "cookie cutter" approach to nutrition. Every body is different. Part of the learning experience is working with your Trainer to un-learn followed by re-learning your own body and its nutritional requirements. Food is not the enemy, nor calories.


If we approach your goal with a thorough understanding of your body, we stand a much greater chance at succeeding. Hormones, age, body type, pregnancies, injuries, supplemention, deficiences, and more all come into play when addressing your goals. 

Iyengar Class

Contact Us

The first step is always the scariest, but it's also the step we look back on and are grateful we had the courage to take.

(905) 251-8820

133 Metcalfe Dr

Bradford, ON 

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